Do You Have to Ask Family Member to Be Part of the Bridal Party?

English Vocabulary for Weddings (Illustrated)

Going to a nuptials is e'er fun, no affair what language you speak. Who doesn't love getting together with friends and family, attending a beautiful anniversary and going to an amazing party after? Despite this, for students of English language, going to a wedding where English will exist the principal language might likewise be a piffling stressful. That's why we put together this listing of English language wedding words.

In this lesson, you will learn all the vocabulary you need to be a guest at a wedding ceremony where English is spoken. After the lesson, you will also be able to tell your friends all about the experience.

This lesson is part of the Vocabulary Lessons series. Permit'southward get started!

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In this lesson, nosotros will encompass these topics:

  • The Wedding Political party (the people who participate in the wedding)
  • Wedding Attire (clothing)
  • The Ceremony
  • The Reception
  • Other Wedding Vocabulary and Expressions

The Hymeneals Political party

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The term wedding party is a piffling flake misleading. It doesn't refer to the celebration later on the wedding – that's called the reception – simply instead refers to the people who participate in the wedding ceremony. Allow'south take a look at who the members of the wedding party are.

Helpmate (noun)
The adult female getting married


Groom (noun)
The man getting married


Bridesmaid (substantive)
A woman, unremarkably a close friend or relative of the bride, who accompanies the bride and helps her on her wedding day. It is typical for a bride to have 3-v bridesmaids.


Maid of honor (noun)
The main bridesmaid. If she is married, she is referred to as the matron of honor.

Maid of honor

All-time homo (noun)
A male friend or relative that helps the groom on his wedding twenty-four hour period.

Best man

Helpmate's parents (noun)
The bride's parents are referred to equally the mother of the helpmate and the father of the bride.

Bride's parents

Groom's parents (substantive)
The groom's parents are referred to equally the mother of the groom and the father of the groom.

Flower girl (noun)
A footling daughter, often a relative of the bride or groom, who carries flowers at the get-go of the ceremony.

Flower girl

Band bearer (noun)
The person who takes intendance of the rings until they are needed in the ceremony. Often a young boy who is a relative of the helpmate or groom.

Ring bearer

Other important people at the wedding are:

Guests (noun)
The people who nourish the hymeneals


Officiator (noun)
The person who performs the ceremony and officially marries the helpmate and groom

Photographer (noun)
Someone hired by the bride and groom to accept pictures


Wedding planner (noun)
Someone hired to plan the wedding and who takes care of logistical details on the big solar day

Wedding planner

Witness (substantive)
Someone who observes the ceremony and signs the spousal relationship certificate

Conductor (substantive)
The person who takes intendance of seating the guests before the ceremony

Wedding Attire

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Attire mean clothing.

One of the best parts of a wedding is dressing up in fancy wearing apparel and admiring the clothes worn past the bride and other members of the hymeneals party. Let'south take a wait at some vocabulary for clothing.

Bridesmaid'due south dress (noun)
It is traditional for bridesmaids to wear matching dresses

Bridesmaid's dress

Bouquet (substantive)
Flowers carried past the bride


Engagement ring (noun)
The ring given to the bride when the groom first asks to marry her

Engagement ring

Lace (noun)
Cotton or silk that has been woven into a special pattern. Often used to decorate the helpmate'southward dress


Sequins (noun)
Sparkly disks often used to decorate the bride's dress


Adjust (substantive)
A combination of jacket and trousers worn on formal occasions. At a hymeneals, typically worn past the groom


Train (substantive)
A long piece of fabric at the back of the bride's dress that trails along the ground


Tuxedo (noun)
A blackness arrange worn past men at very formal occasions


Wedding gown (substantive)
A more formal word for the bride's dress

Wedding gown

Wedding ring (noun)
The ring exchanged by the bride and groom during the ceremony. Sometimes chosen a hymeneals band

Wedding ring

Veil (noun)
A piece of transparent material that covers the bride's face at the start of the ceremony


The Ceremony

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The two most common wedding ceremonies in English language-speaking countries are ceremonious ceremonies and traditional white weddings. Ceremonious ceremonies are not religious and are held at a marriage agency, a authorities office that has the authority to conduct weddings. Wedlock bureaus are also called registry offices.

A traditional white wedding can be held in a church, synagogue, temple, or other religious places. Some couples prefer to get married exterior and have the ceremony in a beautiful natural location such as a park or garden. White weddings have this name considering the helpmate usually wears a white dress at these ceremonies. Let's await at some other vocabulary for the anniversary.

Aisle (noun)
The passage in the center of a church or temple. It is traditional for the bride to walk down the aisle with her father or some other close relative.

Confetti (noun)
Small pieces of paper thrown by the guests after the ceremony for good luck. Sometimes rice is thrown instead of confetti.


To exchange vows (verb)
The bride and groom each brand a spoken language where they speak almost their feelings for each other. When they practice and then, they are said to be exchanging vows.

To exchange vows

To say "I exercise" (verb)
When the officiator asks the couple if they are fix to accept the responsibilities of marriage, it is traditional for the bride and groom to say, "I do."

To say "I do"

To swear (verb)
To hope. Often the officiator will enquire the couple if they swear to protect 1 another.

Nuptials bells (substantive)
At a white wedding ceremony, subsequently the ceremony bells will ring. This is a sign that the couple is officially married.

Other expressions you may hear at a nuptials are:

Delight rise. (Please stand up, considering the ceremony is about to begin.)

Exercise yous take this man to be your lawfully wedded married man? and Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? (Are you lot ready to have the responsibilities of wedlock?)

You may at present osculation the helpmate. (The most romantic part of the ceremony.)

You may now kiss the bride.

I now pronounce you husband and married woman. (Pronounce here means "officially denote.") This marks the terminate of the anniversary and is normally met with applause.)

The Reception

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After the ceremony, it is traditional to gloat the marriage with a political party (chosen "the reception"). Wedding receptions usually involve a special meal followed by speeches, music and dancing. Useful words for the reception are:

Ring or live band (substantive)
A group of musicians hired to play music

Cafe (substantive)
A meal where guests serve themselves

Champagne (substantive)
It is traditional to gloat with this fizzy potable


Dance floor (noun)
The identify where dancing takes identify

DJ (noun)
If there isn't a band, there volition probably be a DJ. Sometimes the DJ will take requests, meaning that y'all tin enquire for songs that you would like to hear.

First dance (substantive)
The first trip the light fantastic toe is another very romantic party of the wedding. This is the kickoff time the couple dances together equally husband and wife.

First dance

Hors d'oeuvres (noun)
Low-cal snacks, typically eaten before the repast

To make a speech (verb)
It is traditional for members of the wedding ceremony party to say a few words nearly the bride and groom. Commonly the best man, the maid of honor and the groom brand speeches.

Reception venue (noun)
The identify where the political party is held

Sit down meal (noun)
At formal weddings, guests will be seated by name at tables and waiters and waitresses will bring them their food.

Sit down meal

To toast or to make a toast (verb)
To clink glasses in celebration of the couple.

To throw the bouquet (verb)
It is traditional for the bride to throw the bouquet over her shoulder. The person who catches the bouquet is said to be the next person to go married.

To throw the bouquet

Wedding ceremony block (verb)
The traditional dessert at a wedding. Usually the wedding cake has miniature figurines of the helpmate and groom on acme.

Wedding cake

Other Wedding Vocabulary and Expressions

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Here is some other vocabulary you might need at the wedding!

Wedding invitation (noun)
The invitation the bride and groom send out inviting people to their wedding

Wedding invitation

Bachelor political party (substantive)
A party for the groom and his friends. Ordinarily takes identify a few weeks or months earlier the wedding ceremony. In Britain, this political party is called a stag party or a stag practise.

Bachelorette party (noun)
A party for the helpmate and her friends. Commonly takes identify a few weeks or months before the wedding. In Britain, this party is called a hen party or a hen exercise.

Bridal shower (noun)
A party for the helpmate and her family and friends. At the bridal shower it is traditional to give gifts. Usually the bridal shower is more relaxed than the bachelorette party.

Bridal shower

To propose (verb)
To inquire someone if they would like to marry you. Other expressions that describe this are to get down on ane knee and to popular the question.

To propose

To elope (verb)
To get married in secret, without telling anyone

Engaged (adjective)
A man or a woman who is going to go married

Fiancé (noun)
Afterwards he proposes, but earlier he is married, the groom is referred to as the fiancé.

Fiancée (noun)
Before the wedding, the bride is referred to as the fiancée. (Pronounced the same as fiancé.)

Honeymoon (noun)
A special trip taken by the bride and groom after the nuptials. The verb is to proceed honeymoon.


Newlyweds (noun)
Refers to a couple that has just gotten married


Wedding gift (noun)
The nowadays you lot give to the bride and groom


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